Experience the freedom of permissionless perpetual trading.


A new defi project soon available on

Zohal provides access to permissionless perpetual trading. Traders can trade a wide variety of assets without being limited by what's currently available on the market.

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UX Revolution

What will bring Zohal ?

Zohal is a user-owned trading platform on StarkNet. It will revolutionize users’ relationships with the DEX, giving them fully customizable experiences. You can organize your dashboard with modules, moving, expanding, or narrowing them. This way, you will create your own DEX and optimize it for your personal use.

Why choose Zohal ?

Zohal will have the ability to adapt to the needs of each individual and thus optimize the resources used to focus on the essential. The DEX will be yours with the tools adapted to your use only. If you are interested in a powerful and pleasant platform with a strong focus on user experience then you are at the right place.


What is ZOH ?

ZOH is the main token of Zohal. It will provide financial benefits to its users as well as governance power in the future. It is a pillar of Zohal protocol that will enable healthy and organic growth.

Why Zohal tokenomics is different and efficient ?

Zohal brings innovative tokenomics. Boosted VeNomics is a simple but efficient tokenomics which gives a real utility to our token. It will allow long term holders to be rewarded with higher yield and distribute a large part of rewards between them.


What is Zohal vision ?

Zohal is here to focus on developing new DeFi primitives to democratize its usage and push it to another scale. We will be focusing on solving problems in Decentralized Finance and bringing it to a whole new level with the features offered by Starknet.

What is our mission ?

Zohal aims to increase individuals economical freedom. We believe that blockchain is a wonderful technology to ensure a healthier economy that is not manipulated by the most powerful. That's why we fight every day to offer the best possible products to our users

Frequently Asked Questions

What is $ZOH ?
What is Zohal ?
Why Zohal ?
Is there any risk ?